Cool News, bringing you another HOW TO. I just added this myself, you might have noticed it on the right hand side. What it does is simple this, everytime someone visits your site, it will add to this counter. Now theres different ways to configure it so let me give you the steps.
1) Go to this link,
2) Once at the link, enter your login details, along with password/email/website.
3) Now, theres an option for "Show" and "Counter Type". For "Show", there is either Unique visitors or All hits. I recommend Unique visitors, but you can do either one. For "Counter Type", select HTML.
4) Now once you hit "Create my Account", it will give you some handy HTML code. Copy that, and head over to your blog. (
5) With the code still saved on the clip board (copy), go to Design. Here, you can pick where to add the counter on your page. Select "Add a gadget" and pick HTML/Javascript. Simply enter the code you got, and save.
Now, you should start seeing your counter increase, as your loyal followers check out your cool blog! I hope this info was helpful, please post if you need further help. Thanks for reading this HOW TO!
-Cool News